Alternative Ending Sequences: Start by completing the game once. Then, get all the possible items and defeat the final boss once more, at the end you will get some extra ending sequences n...
Excellent Play Demo: The hidden demo mode in this game will show you how to get through the irritating mazes the fastest way possible. To see this demo press and hold L and R at the main title m...
Trophies: Icle: Complete all Chip the miner's puzzles. Flower: Complete all of the Fairies puzzles. Love Heart: Complete all of Honeycake's puzzles. Ball Full Of Lava: Complete ...
Keep Souls, Get a Chance to "do-over" if You Die: If you hit the PS button and select "quit game" or, alternatively but not recommended, cut the power to your PS3 immed...
No enemies: Enter RBNL XHGB VGBB LYLD as a password. Only Bosses will appear in the game. Note, levels 5 and 6 will not appear with this code. All items: Enter QFFF KNRR DDLR XGTQ as a ...
Using passwords Hold Down and press B, A, B, A between the game over and title screens. To access the password screen, press Up, A, B, A, B at the title screen. Then, press A or B to enter a pas...
В экране с надписью "Press Start", вводите следующие чит коды: X, R, Y, R, L, R, R, R - все уровни L, R, X, L, X, R, X, Y - все бонусы X, Y, R, R, R, R, X, Y - все машины
Открыть доступ ко всем секретам: В этой игре всего один код делает доступным все, включая катафалк и фургон, а также открывает все трассы и игровые режимы. В любое время нажмите X, X, к...