Easy experience: In single player mode, repeat the tutorial about fifteen times, then go to Death Valley. Once there, follow a path and fight some Goburimon; do not go across the bridge. F...
Неограниченное количество изделий и бит (Unlimited Items and bits): Эта уловка требует вашего главного Дигимона как первого игрока и любого другого Дигимона как второго игрока. Дайте все ваши...
Unlimited Items and bits: This trick requires your main Digimon as player one and any Digimon as player two. Give all your Bits to player two. Then, save player two at the Save Keeper. Nex...
Get Andromon: Pick the first egg when your digimon fades away. Train it's mp, speed and brains higher then all the other stats. You will get Gabumon as your ROOKIE. Continue to train the sam...
Secret Passwords: Give the password to Valkyriemon inside the DigiColiseum. 19970628 - Obtain 100% Scan Data for DotAgumon 70307991 - Obtain 100% Scan Data for DotShineGreymon 82607991 ...
Flying Burninggraymon: When you are Agunimon (fire spirit) and are able to slide evolution to Burninggraymon, jump and press Up + B. Burninggraymon will fly across the screen. If Burninggr...
Бонусные уровни: Получите все окаменелости динозавров в уровнях 1-12, чтобы открыть первые 2 острова (уровень 13,14). В тех уровнях соберите так же все окаменелости, чтобы открыть 15 урове...
Bonus levels: Get all dinosaur fossils in levels 1 through 12 to unlock the first 2 bonus islands (13, 14). In those stages are the fossils that will allow you to reach the last level (15)...
Stage Select: Turn your game on and wait until the title screen is stagnant (as in -- there are no animations moving). Then, press Start, Select, and the A button simultaneously. If done p...