В течении игры введите вверх,треугольник,вниз,Х,влево,круг,вправо,квадрат для активации чит режима, затем вводите один из ниже перечисленных кодов: вниз,влево,влево,вправо ...
At the main menu, press: Invincibility - L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle, Down(x2), Circle Expert CPU - Triangle, Right, Left, Square, Up, Circle, Down, Right Crash Arena - Left, Right(x2)...
Hint: Three point percentage: Player one can shoot three point shots at a higher percentage if the shot is taken from behind the line in the lower right part of the screen.
Секреты: Выберите игру за Чикаго, перехватите мяч, пойдите к линии фолла, потом нажмите паузу, потом А, B, A, B, потом на миг отключи паузу, нажми А, B, A, B, опять на мгновенье выключи па...
Eleven attribute points: Highlight the tournament option on the main menu. Press L(3), R, L, R, L, R. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Each player may distribute eleven attribute p...
Hint: Super spin-kick: Begin game play in two player mode. Position both characters next to each other and execute the circle spin-kick. Both players will lock arms and execute a super kick. ...
Press A + B + C when the brick wall with hieroglyphs scrolls past during the opening screen. A hidden options menu will appear allowing character selection and other[b...