Easy money: Go to the town of Ordens. Go to the item shop and buy all the Blue Tea you can for 100, then sell them back for 150. You can buy 99 for 9900, but when you sell back 66 you gain...
Soar sky high At the title screen, select "Vert", then choose "X-Rage". Select any skater, then choose your skating location. You will have 60 seconds to rack up points...
Night courses: Successfully complete all four minute events in X Games mode (SnowborderX, Superpipe, Big Air, and Slope Style), to unlock Big Air & Super Pipe at night.
At the cheat screen enter: SUPERMAN - super jumps SCOREBOX - controller scoring READY TO FUMBLE - press L2 during game play to cause a fumble. CAN'T TOUCH THIS - un...
CAN'T TOUCH THIS - Сильный игрок с мячом SUPERMAN - Супер прыжки и уклоны SCOREBOX - Управление подсчетом очков READY TO FUMBLE - While playing a game, press L2 ...
Cheat Codes: CAN'T TOUCH THIS - Unstoppable ball carrier SUPERMAN - Super jumps and dives READY TO FUMBLE - Fumbles (Press L during game play to cause a fumble) ALOHA - Aloha stadiu...
Чит коды: EXCELLENT - более точные броски BIGFOOT - большие ступни BIGHAND - большие руки PANCAKE - плоские игроки BIGHEAD - большие головы INVISIBLE - невидим...
Моментальное обретение магической силы: Этот трик позволит Вам обрести полный набор магических сил, не собирая никаких предметов. Во время игры сделайте паузу и нажмите UP, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN ...
Дополнительные команды На экране установочного меню нажмите LEFT, RIGHT, C, A, B, B - и получите доступ к командам "Sony", "ESPN", "Republican" и "Democrat&...
Check someone over the wall: Hold X and get maximum speed. Once at full speed, find someone skating next to the wall. Skate at him while still holding X and press Square when directly next to...
Bonus teams: Successfully complete the game under the amateur difficulty setting to unlock the Blue Freeze team. Successfully complete the game under the pro difficulty setting to unlock the Ye...