Hidden Extra 1: When you first start in the asylum, you can see the Hidden Extra through the window in the next room over. Go down the hall, get the gun, and kill the Deadite. Go back and ...
Easy Loyalty: Select Challenge mode, and play a Vs. match. Press Start when the match begins, and select the "Give Up" option. Repeat this three times to intentionally lose the m...
Секретные персонажи Brenda - победите в VS-матче Brian - победите в VS-матче Gina - победите в VS-матче Jack - победите в VS-матче Mifune - победите в VS-матче Mizuho - победите в...
Easy Loyalty: Select Challenge mode, and play a Vs. match. Press Start when the match begins, and select the "Give Up" option. Repeat this three times to intentionally lose the m...
Как получить очки Gamerscore: Friendly Face (15 очков): Public Hall: создать и выиграть 5 игр в своей комнате. Mini-Game Showdown Master 3 (20 очков): Mini-Game Showdown: выиграть 3 игры в[br...
Hidden area: Collect Dark Crystals during the game by killing various monsters. Go to a Save Crystal and enter the item screen. Use a Dark Crystal to go to the Shadow Tower.
Экстра рыба: Когда вы строите аквариум, зайдите в ваш морской справочник и отсортируйте его в алфавитном порядке. Теперь когда вы заходите в аквариум и делаете обмен, вы сможете видеть рыб...
Extra Fish: Once you build an aquarium go to your marine guide then Rearrange them in alphabetical order. Now when you go to the aquarium and do exchange you can see fish you've never ...
Defeating Cao: Get a perfect run to beat his time. This requires very good use of the controls, especially the Left Analog-stick, to complete the course without hitting any obstacles.