Faster Recovery: If you happen to fall off your bike (ie. you misland a jump,) when your character is running back to the bike, tap A as fast as you can. He will kind of shake when he is r...
Pause the game and press: Full Health - Triangle(x3), Square(x5). Full Sword Power - Triangle(x2), Square(x2), Circle(x2), Square. Level Skip - Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle,...
Непобедимость в Большом ядре: Когда вы вращаетесь (поворачивайте Analog-Stick вращаясь, чтобы вращаться еще больше), или, по крайней мере, имеете молнию вокруг доски пока вы вращаетесь, вы...
Big Core invincibility: When you are spinning (rotate the Analog-stick while spinning to spin more), or at least have lightning around the board while you spin, you are invulnerable to the...
Unlimited lives: Jump, Action, First Person View, Jump, Shoot. Super shot: Shoot, First Person View, First Person View, Action, Jump. Quick shot: Action, First Person View, Jump, First Person...