Toggle Music - At the Main Menu of Disc 1, press R1 + R2 + Start. View Grand Theft Auto 2 Codes - At the Main Menu of Disc 1, press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. View Sled Storm Codes - At the Main Menu...
Enter the "Rewards menu. Enter the appropriate section, highlight one of the following options, then enter the code when prompted to unlock the corresponding item: Concept Art: Bonus ...
Когда покажется логотип Infogramme (Infogramme Logo) нажмите Вверх, Вниз, Треугольник, Круг, Вверх, Вниз, Треугольник и Круг. Появится слово "lockoff". теперь Вы можете вводить любо...
When the Infogramme Logo appears press UP, DOWN, Triangle, Circle, UP, DOWN, Triangle and Circle. The word "lockoff" will appear. Now you may enter any of the following "Codes":...
Играть за монстра: Из главного меню, войдите VS MODE. Переместите курсор на 1P VS COM, и нажмите Ls+left+A. Выберите монстра, который вам нужен. В игре вы будете играть за монстра против У...
Play as a Monster: From the main menu, enter VS MODE. Move the cursor to 1P VS COM, and press Ls+left+A. Select the monster you want to play. At the battle, you should be able to play the ...
Bonus Characters: Complete the game with any regular character. Each bonus character will become available every time the game is completed. Unlock all four bonus characters, a "Special Gal...
Play as Kemuri3939: Win the versus computer Count game. Play as Dr. Nervous: Win the versus Count game. Classic mode level 2: Successfully complete Classic mode level 1. Unlock Ra...