Меню: Поставьте игру на паузу и, удерживая А + В на первом джойстике, на втором нажмите С, после этого можно перейти к следующему сражению или пополнить медсостав, о чем рассказывается далее....
Pause game play. Hold A + B on controller one and press C on controller two. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Then enter one of the following controller actions[b...
Секретный режим Сделайте паузу. Одновременно нажмите и удерживайте кнопки A и B на контроллере 1 и кнопку C на контроллере 2; Вы услышите бульканье. Теперь, не выходя из паузы, Вы имеете дост...
Guide SECTION --- SELECTING AN ADVISOR When you begin a game, you must choose an advisor. Once you have selected an advisor, any time during the game you can consult with the advisor for advi...
Avoid being killed: whether your playing single player or co-op, here is some advice of how you can avoid being killed. In some of the levels, locust has different weapons that you can exc...
Бессмертие: Во время игры нажать: вверх, вниз, влево, вправо, X, B, Y, A, вверх, вниз, влево, вправо. Бесконечные патроны: Во время игры нажать: вверх, вниз, вверх, вниз, влево, влево, ...
Defeating Skorne: The main thing that makes Skorne difficult to defeat is his ability to shoot seeking skull projectiles. When a skull is flying toward you, do a quick, tight loop. The sku...
Bonus characters: Reach level 25 with each of the four original characters to unlock Falconess, Minotaur, Tigress, and Jackal. Load your level 25 character and start a new one through character ...
Cheat codes (enter these as your name): MESSIAH - Cheat mode LOCK UP - Level select GASAWAY - Level 99 character CRAZY - Bonus levels ICE - Maximum combo power-ups