You can design: To make Hannah awesome clothes,press start,touch city map with your stylus,and go to Miley's house.Now your in her room on the right side there is a dressing room the s...
Free battle mode: Successfully complete Shonen Red vs. Benitokage mode as Li Kohran. Panic mode: Successfully complete Shonen Red vs. Benitokage mode as Kirishima Kanna. Shadow battle mode: S...
Get unlimited sunflower seeds: At the start of the game where the two hamsters are the big sun flower.use {hamlift} and you will get 20 sunflower seeds.keep repeating until satisfied .ps.its ...
Как получить очки Gamerscore: Landfall (20 очков): пройти первую миссию кампании на сложности Normal, Heroic, или Legendary. Holdout (20 очков): пройти вторую миссию кампании на сложности ...
Горгулья в Отголоске: Идите к большому строению в середине карты. Посмотрите выше дверного проема. Если это не там, то идите вокруг строения, пока не увидите это.
Gargoyle in Backwash: Go to the big building in the middle of the map. Look above the doorway. If it is not there, keep going around the building until you see it.
Pelican Ride: Ok, this isn't really a cheat, just a thing to try. Go on the level Assault on the Control Room. At the very beginning you'll get off the Pelican. Right away tap x and you...