At the main menu, hold L1+R1, and press: Unlock All Cars - Triangle, X(x2), Circle, X, Circle, Triangle and X. Unlock All Tracks - Square(x3), X, Triangle(x...
$100,000: Create a new character and go to the Flyin' High $25 dollar machine. Put all your money ($5k) into the machine and start playing with the max bet til you get to 100 credits. It has...
Completion bonuses in House Of The Dead 2: Successfully complete House Of The Dead 2 to unlock the Very Easy and Very Hard difficulties; and the abilty to increase lives to 5 and continues to...
Infinite ammo: While you are driving and geting close to the boss Herophant you will see a item in the middle of the road. Shoot it before the boss comes out and you will get the infinite ammo.[...
Как получить очки Gamerscore:(кроме этих есть ещё две секретных неизвестных награды) Head Hunter (20 очков): убить 20 врагов хедшотами в любом режиме. Silent Victory (40 очков): скрытное у...
How to get money fast: 1. Go to map and find any locations that is selling hotels. 2. make an offer like example, normal price 150000 get it for 146000. 3. go to hotels and find your...
Bonus ending: Successfully complete the game without getting any "Game Over" screens. Note: You can do this by simply reloading your last saved game and continuing from there if ...
Password: Result: XTRCHT! - Cheat Menu (You won't be able to save your game) NOTHING - Invisibility CEILING - Upside Down Mode MONKEY - Skulls Are Monkeys BONES - Skulls Are M...
Unlockable vehicles: These are the vehicles that can be unlocked through the game modes. I still haven't listed the vehicles that can be unlocked through collect mode, but its only thr...