Cell phone locations: Locate the hidden cell phones to find out more information about the current mission. You will know you are near a phone when you hear it or see it flash.
Unlock "Unlimited ammunition" option: Play through and complete the entire game on the Agent difficulty level. Now you can access to the newly unlocked unlimited ammunition option i...
Для использования следующих кодов выберите опцию "Codenames" в главном меню. Выберите вашего игрока, затем введите один из следующих кодов на экране "Secret Unlocks". Сохр...
For the following codes, select the "Codenames" option at the main menu. Select your character, then enter one of the following codes at the "Secret Unlocks" screen. Save ...
Code: Result: SCOPE - Assassination Mode BOOM - Exploding scenery PASSPORT - All Levels GUARDIAN - Protect Mode TEAMWORK - Team King of the Hill Mode TRANSMIT - Uplink...
Invincibility: To get Gold Bond, shoot a man and keep shooting in the same spot until your ammunition runs out. Then, shoot his gun once with your PP7 and pick it up. You will see Q and Monnypen...
Pro bonuses: Successfully complete all studio recordings in special event mode to unlock pro mode and pro edit mode. You can input your own music scores in pro edit mode. Successfully c...