Custom Mode: During the game Hold down A + B + X + Y on controller 2 and then reset the game. When you get to the main menu go into the Options screen and a new Custom Menu should appear.[...
Earn a medal in all eight courses to select extra courses during a two player game. Earn a gold medal in all eight courses to select extra courses during a single player...
Sound Room and Dance Select: If you complete all EXTRA courses with a silver or gold medal (you have to have already completed all regular courses with a silver or gold medal) two new item...
Hold A + B + X + Y on controller two and reset the SNES. Continue to hold the buttons and choose the options selection, then the custom selection. Several new selec...
Во время игры зажмите A + B + X + Y на втором контроллере и перезагрузите игру. Если все было сделано правильно, то в главном меню появится новый выборочный режим.
Defeat the last Boss to enable the "B" selection on the options screen. Choose this option to begin a battle with all six Bosses in order, with one life, and no...
Секретная комната В седьмом мире на втором этапе расположена секретная комната. Взлетите над выступом и вы телепортируетесь к 4 мини-боссу на уровне. После победы над пятым мини-боссом Fir...
Bonus games Successfully complete the game and save the game. An option to play the bonus games will appear when selecting that saved game from the title screen.
Boss Mode: Finish the game once and you will be able to play boss mode. It will be in the fourth option at the mini-game select screen. Boss mode allows you to play all bosses with only 6 ...
Легкие жизни: Вы можете заработать девять жизней на "Dash. Jump." мини-игре приземляясь в маленьком углу в конце. Приземляйтесь между 3300 и 3400, чтобы заработать девять жизней....
Easy lives: You can earn nine lives on the Dash! Jump! mini-game by landing in the small space at the end. Land between 3300 and 3400 to earn nine lives. It is easiest with Meta Knight.[br...
Master code: Press A, B, SELECT at the titel screen and a kirby will apear and blow up after the blast you can create a player level (create your level)
Bonus modes: Collect all crystals in the game until the status on the saved game selection screen is at 100%. Options for boss battles and a intermission scene display will be unlocked.