HARDER DIFFICULTY This code enables a fourth difficulty which is called SUPER. When the Kemco logo is on the screen, when the game first comes on, do the following: Hold R Button, L Button, and ...
Avoid losing lives: To prevent a loss of a loss of a life, press Start when you have one heart remaining, and select "Retry". You will go back to the door you went through. This ...
Режим кодов: Для открытия этого меню начните игру с выбранной вами стороны. Когда миссия начнется, держите L1 + R1 + R2 + L2 и нажмите START. В результате на экране появится меню паузы....
Cheat mode: While in the game hold L1 + R1 + R2 + L2, press Start to access the pause menu. Select display password. While viewing the password, press LEFT, Circle, Square, Right and X. This wil...
Открыть все уровни: На экране выбора уровня зажмите кружок + X + треугольник + квадрат + L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 на втором контроллере и нажмите Down, Down, Right.
Beat the Last Bosses: When fighting your Father and Seth, use your Flash Magic and Strafe LEFT. You should be able to beat them without getting killed.