Random Sigma Boss appearances: At the title screen, hold L and tap the following gold stars in order: S Comp Star, G Comp Star, S Comp Star, M Comp Star, SS Star, SS Star, Red Joker Star. ...
Random Sigma Boss appearances: At the title screen, hold L and tap the following gold stars in order: S Comp Star, G Comp Star, S Comp Star, M Comp Star, SS Star, SS Star, Black Ace Star. ...
DX Bosses: At the Omega-Xis screen, press Select to enter the following passwords. Refer to the targets as a grid, arranged with the following alphabetic designations. Tap the targets in t...
Как заполучить Zenny: На снежном уровне вы сможете найти две канистры и два мусорных бака. Если вы пнете первую канистру и она залетит в мусорный бак - вы получите 200 зенни, если же вы...
How to get Zenny: In the snowy level you will be able to find two cans and two trashcans. One of the trashcans you kick a can straight into will give you 200 zennies, but the second trashcan you...