Прыжки на лыжах длиннее: Когда выполняете прыжок на лыжах ждите пока ветер станет 2 с половиной, чтобы он указывал вниз, затем нажмите кнопку. Ветер будет дуть в лицо и удерживать вас в во...
Longer Ski Jumps: When you are doing the ski jump wait for the wind direction to go by 2 and a half times so it is facing down then hit box. You will have the wind at your face keeping you up.[b...
Successfully complete all online Co-Op Survival mode levels to unlock an automatic level 10 weapon that boosts all stats as long as your character is level 1...
Defeating the final Boss: When you start you will be in a room with a plasma cannon and an RPG. Grab them both, then tap the activation panel to enter the Boss room. After a short cinemati...
Drive through fence: If you hit the fence in Easter Land at a certain part you will go through it. Hit the end of the fence and you will perform a huge jump.
Секретные призовые экраны: Второй призовой экран находится на уровне 2. Когда Вы достигаете водопада, нажмите Up в его середине. Падающие капли восстановят Ваше здоровье. Первый экран разм...
Призовые экраны - Второй призовой экран находится на уровне 2. Когда Вы достигаете водопада, нажмите Up в его середине. Падающие капли восстановят Ваше здоровье.
Completion bonus: Successfully complete the game. Then, ask one of the blacksmiths in a town to upgrade your pickaxe. Leave it with him, then return after an adventure to retrieve it. Your...
Madame Fate's Predictions: Completing the investigations on Ron N. Hyde, Justine Time, and Manni Cotti to get a note with a riddle. You will also have a choice between six rooms. Retur...
0wn3d (15) Score 5 takedowns in a row without getting taken down yourself Airman (5) Complete 25% of all story missions Airman First Class (10) Complete 50% o...