At the main menu, select the "Features" option, choose the "Codes" selection, then enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Cheat Codes: Enter the options menu and select Gameplay. Hold Left+Left Analog-Stick Right, and then press Back. The codes menu will then appear. Enter MEGASTARS to unlock Visual Concepts, Sega ...
Bonus Teams: Enter the options menu and select Gameplay. Hold Left+Left Analog-Stick Right, and then press Start. The codes menu will then appear. Enter "MEGASTARS" to unlock Visual Co...
Cheat menu: Enter the options menu and select "Gameplay". Hold D-pad Left + Left Analog-stick Right and press Start. The "Codes" selection will now be unlocked at the options...
Type cheats: marcus All females heliumbrain Big Head mode alienbrain Monster players The cure! The Cure! mode betheball Be the Ball radical Cool looks Not so happy Sigh ...
Cheat Codes (these are case-sensitive!): DEVDUDES - Bonus teams (NBA 2000, Sega Sports and Sega team) MONSTER - Large players LITTLEGUY - Small players LARD - Fat players TUR...
J8E5RAMI7E - Cavaliers Alt Jersey 4J52U2N64E - Nuggets Alt Jersey 7C43H21A8D - Pistons Alt Jersey C83A22G93E - Celtics Alt Jersey D2A7LL2A3S - Pacers Away Jersey 3E98M2I6LY - Pacers ...
Рекомендованные команды: Kobe Bryant (Lakers) Vince Carter (Nets) Richard Hamilton (Pistons) Allen Iverson (76ers) Steve Nash (Suns) Chauncy Billipus (Pistons) Carmelo Anthony ...
Recommended team: Kobe Bryant (Lakers) Vince Carter (Nets) Richard Hamilton (Pistons) Allen Iverson (76ers) Steve Nash (Suns) Chauncy Billipus (Pistons) Carmelo Anthony (Nugget...
When in a tournament or franchise, do not trade in that trade in the home screen. The teams will not take your players, but in the home screen they will take anything.