Войдите в игру и выберите домашний матч или матч в гостях. Когда на экране появиться надпись "Вводите читы сейчас" ("Enter codes now") вводите нужные коды. Для этого удерж...
Select a pick up game, and choose either to be home or away. Choose and accept an ID. Then, enter one of the following codes when the "Enter codes now" message appears at the bottom...
Cheat mode: Select a pick up game, and choose an ID. Then, enter one of the following codes when the "Enter codes now" message appears at the bottom of the screen. Note: If you e...
Бонус-команды: Chicago All-Stars: победить Chicago Bulls в игре Back To Basics. Detroit All-Stars: победить Detroit Pistons в режиме GB Battle. Los Angeles All-Stars: победить Los Angeles ...
Cheat Codes: Enter these codes at the versus screen. The numbers tell how many times you should press the Square, Triangle, Circle and X buttons. For example, 1-2-1-2 means: Press Square 1 time,...
Create-a-player characters: Enter one of the following names and PIN numbers to unlock the corresponding hidden player. Player Name - PIN Kerri the Female Player ...