Easy recruitment: Create a prospect, and maximize all his stats, except for kicking. Enter that prospect as a punter or kicker, and he will become a one star player. Recruit that prospect,...
Select "My Shrine" at the starting menu. Access the pennant collection screen, then enter one of the following passwords to unlock the corresponding All-Time team: Roll Time: Ala...
Select "My Shrine" at the starting menu. Access the pennant collection screen, then enter one of the following passwords to unlock the corresponding All-Time team: Roll Time: Ala...
Best Time To Use Hurdle: Typically when you go against your rival, a tackler will try and go for your legs. About 50% of the time you are running with the ball against a rival, hurdle. ...
Press Select at the pennant selection screen, then enter one of the following passwords to unlock the corresponding All-Time team: Roll Tide - Alabama Woopigsooie - Arkansas War Eagl...
All-Time команды: Нажмите Вниз на экране выбора вымпела, затем вводите один из следующих паролей, чтобы разблокировать соответствующую группу All-Time. Team Password A...
All-Time teams: Press Back at the pennant selection screen, then enter one of the following passwords to unlock the corresponding All-Time team. Team Password Alabama Roll Tide[br...
Все игроки включены в "In The Zone": Введите "ZoneOut" как имя Профиля пользователя, затем выберите Режим Практики (Practice mode). После первой игры все игроки будут д...
All Impact Players "In The Zone": Enter "ZoneOut" as a user profile name, then select Practice mode. After the first play, all Impact Players will be "In The Zone&quo...
Видео 2 - успешный прыжок Видео 3 - бросок на 30 ярдов Видео 4 - получите пасс от защитника Видео 5 - преследуйте врага Видео 6 - 3 толчка за игру Видео 7 - удачный удар
Alley oop: Press R2, then press Triangle, Circle, X, or Square. Press L2, then press Triangle, Circle, X, or Square. Call an offensive play-select, then press Triangle, Circle, X, or Square. ...