Higher Difficulty: When you reach the screen Enter ''heart-axe-space-holy water, axe-space-space-heart, space-axe-space-space, space-heart-space-space'' leave the space bla...
Hidden staircase: There is an invisible staircase leading to Dracula, and a pit below it, on the level just before Dracula is encountered. Take a large jump into the pit from the edge to land on...
Все нижеприведенные коды вводятся в главном меню: Вправо, влево, вниз, вверх, А, В, Start - 10 жизней для игрока 1 Вправо, влево, вниз, вверх, А, В, Select, Start - 10 жизней для игрока 2 ...
Level select: Press Start to enter the game selection screen. Press L, R(2), L, Up, Down. A number that represents a game level will appear. Press Up or Down to select a new level.[b...
В главном меню введите один из нижеприведенных кодов: Треугольник, влево, вправо, треугольник - другой мир Треугольник, вправо, влево, треугольник - дополнительные персонажи
Unlock More Stages: When the Push Start screen shows up, press: Triangle, LEFT, RIGHT, Triangle A small icon will show up in the upper right hand corner saying that you have unlocked new stages....
Begin game play with a right-handed male bowler using a sixteen pound ball. Select medium or high oil on the lane under the normal difficulty level. Move to the right edge o...
Six bombs, six flames, and the detonator: Enter 1111 as a password. Sudden death stage: Enter 5656 as a password. The play field will be very small. Alternate colors: Press Select at...
Sound test: Use a Multi-tap accessory and hold Right on controller five. Head start: Bomberman is invincible, and will blink, at the beginning of each stage. Drop a bomb. When it explod...
Switch to the machine guns and fire at an enemy target. Pause the game when the target is hit (timing is crucial). The target will continue to be hit by the machine ...