Achievement Chronicles of the Temple(50) Found all Templar Chronicles Wardrobe(30) Found all collectible outfits in the game Arsenal(30) Found all co...
Goal mode: Successfully complete all decks when playing against the CPU on the Normal difficulty setting and using the "Official Layout" option. Goal mode will be unlocked after ...
Как получить очки Gamerscore: Aspirant, Shivering Isles (20 очков): получить ранг Aspirant за Court of Madness. Citizen, Shivering Isles (20 очков): получить ранг Citizen за Court of Ma...
The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Reference: In Bliss, there is an Argonian named Big Head. Big Head's quest is to find The Fork of Horripilation. In The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, there is...
Дешевый и хороший дом: Идите в город Anvil, зайдите в местную гостиницу(inn). Внутри будет человек чье имя начинается на "B". Он продает особняк своего дедушки. Можно купить его ...
Good cheap house: Go to the city of Anvil, then go to the inn. Inside is a man whose name starts with a "B". He is selling his grandfather's old manor. You can purchase it...
Custom cars: Start a race and press L + R on controller two before the cars begin to move. Use controller two to modify the options on the customize car screen that appears. Traffic jum...
Finding the Blue Rose: When you first go in Chiro, there should be a cave to the extreme right. Go past the snake, but do not follow the water to reach it. If you find bats, you have gone ...
Cheat mode: Play the 0B, 29, 2C, and 05 selections on the sound test screen. Full energy, life, and special attack: Enable cheat mode and press A + B + X + Y during game play. Level ski...
Darkling: на любом игровом телефоне набрать 555-GAME (555-4263). Как получить очки Gamerscore: Hoodlum (5 points): оказаться на стороне победителей в любом мультиплеерном матче. Patriot...
Phone Numbers: Go to any phone and enter the 18 numbers, in no specific order, to unlock Keeper of Secrets accomplishment. These can be found throughout the game on posters, graffiti, and ...
High Elf or Dark Elf: Have the total amount of alignment in all characters in your guild be over 200 points to unlock the High Elf or under -200 points to unlock the Dark Elf; you must hav...
Bonus levels: The game has five levels. If you have perfect accuracy (Fastest Time, Fastest Alignment, Fastest Reaction; shoot or turbo when needed) you will unlock more missions. The last...
Статуи святого Сулпая: Подойдите к Столбу 7 и исследуйте его. Поместите статую Иисус несущий крест на платформу. Оттуда подойдите к столбу 14 и переместите статую сюда. Отопрется лазейка с...
St Sulpice Statues: I was stuck on this for a long time and know figured it out. Go me!!!! Go up to Pillar 7 and examine it. Put the statue of jesus carring the cross on the platform. From...