Много золотых билетов: Во время игры наберите 4 раза подряд [Вверх], [Вниз], [Влево], [Вправо], [Кружок], [Вправо], [Влево], [Вниз], [Вверх], [Кружок], затем нажмите [Start]. Звуковой сигн...
A lot of gold tickets: While playing, press the combination [UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, Circle, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, UP, Circle] 4 times, then press Start. You will hear a sound if you entered the cod...
Куча денег: 8AAACAA9999 - вы получите мощную поддержку в миллион с лишним фунтов-стерлингов. 33 миллиона - имя "DST", пароль "5AKCQSEBDS4" 2 миллиарда ...
Enter ZARKON as a name and 8AAACAA9999 as a password. Start game play with the maximum amount of money and the ability to build all rides, buildings, and attractions.
Added Construction Time: Hit pause at the beginning of a level and go to the stop watch symbol. Now press and hold L1 until the indicator reaches the left of the bar. You now have extra time to ...
Courier Level Glitch Exploit: First, select the level of the game entitled "Courier." Now, normally when you are in this mission inside the bank, the security guards watch your every m...