Maniac Mansion 2 cheat codes:
Maniac Mansion mini-game:
Use the computer in Weird Ed's room five times.
Alternatively, use the following steps.
Note: This procedure involves editing a game f...
Manic Miner cheat codes:
While playing the game type:
802926 - Bug-Byte version or
WRITETYPER - Software Projects
A boot should then appear next to the lives at the bottom
of the scre...
Manx TT Superbike cheat codes:
Riding a sheep :
At the transmission select : Press up,up,down,down,left,
right,hit the brake (Z) and accelerate (X). You will hear
'baaah' if it successful. Do ...
Maple Story cheat codes:
Flip the screen:
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Arrow Up] - Turns your screen right side up
[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Arrow Down] - Turns your screen upside down
Infinite money:
Marapets cheat codes:
Limited edition pet:
First, got to the create a pet, then point ur mouse in any limited
edition pet,(just point, dont click)and when you done it, press
ctr+n at the same ...
Marathon 1 cheat codes:
At new game scene press Ctrl + Alt, then start a new game.
Type: BUIHAVENOCLUE...type each letter slowly, then every time
you type a letter, wait two seconds before ty...
Marathon Infinity cheat codes:
Secret Terminal:
1. Go to the last level (Aye mak sicur)
2. Search a narrow and dark corridor (there
are lots of these so you'll need to search a while)
3. At t...
Marble Blast Gold cheat codes:
Press [F10] during game play, then enter one of the following codes:
default.marble.gravity=; - Set gravity; "2" is low gravity
default.marble.speed=; - Set s...
Marble Blast Gold cheat codes:
Press [F10] during game play, then enter one of the following codes:
default.marble.gravity=; - Set gravity; "2" is low gravity
default.marble.speed=; - Set s...
Marble Drop cheat codes:
Drop multiple marbles quickly into a puzzle to rack up points
as they keep bouncing off the crossbow. Reset the puzzle to solve
it with newly acquired points intact.
Marble Cooking cheat codes:
Edit marble.sys:
To be able to continue from any level in the game,
just open "marble.sys" with a binary file editor,
and change the first two values to 07 and 09,
Marc Ecko's Getting Up cheat codes:
At the game information screen, select OPTIONS.
then select codes, and enter one of the following cheatcodes:
STATEYOURNAME - All characters unlocked
Marine Fighters cheat codes:
Hold down on the right hand side Control, Shift and Alt keys
when going into the vehicle info, and continue to hold when
clicking FLY, and you are able to fly any p...
Marine Sharpshooter 2 cheat codes:
Start game as usual - in game, bring up the console with [~] (tilde)
and enter the following codes:
God - God mode (toggle on/off)
AllAmmo - Gives Al...
Marine Sharpshooter 2: Jungle Warfare cheat codes:
Start game as usual - in game, bring up the query with 9 and enter
the following codes (you should hear a confirmation sound):
mpgod - togg...