U.R.B.A.N The Cyborg Project cheat codes:
Start the game and type them in!
NOTE: They might cause the game to crash so use at your own risk!
Code Result
U.S. Navy Fighters cheat codes:
While in the main menu hang on to the right: Ctrl, Alt, Shift then
enter the plane preview section when you come to the plane that
says "Atomic Moth" let go you ...
U.S. Navy Fighters '97 cheat codes:
Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt], then select the "Quick Mission" option.
Keep the keys pressed until the flight begins-Fly any plane
Hold [Right Alt] + [Right Ctrl] + [R...
UberSoldier cheat codes:
Edit config.ini in the game directory (open it with Notepad)
and add the following text to the end:
Now in the game hit tilde [...
UEFA 2000 Manager cheat codes:
Hex Location:
Club's Money Address
How To Find It :
1. Find The Club Name (Text String) for Example :
Manchester United, Lazio,Etc.
2. Count 226 Byte Befor...
UEFA Champions League 2004-2005 cheat codes:
Get the following amount of points in "Season" to access:
Adidas Roteiro Ball - Get 1,960,000 points
Ataturk Stadium - 1,050...
UEFA Euro 2004 cheat codes:
Ghost goal:
When the replay starts at the end of the game, if you have a
person sent off from any team, you can see the ball moving on
its own and going into the goal.
UEFA Manager 2000 cheat codes:
Hex Cheat
1. Start the game.
2. Be the manager of any team you like.
3. After completing the first issues (type your name as a manager,
choose your team), save ...
UFO: Aftermath cheat codes:
To enable UFO: Aftermath cheats find "config.cfg" file in the
game install directory, open it with Notepad and
add the following line:
KEY "cheats" BOOL TRUE
UFO: Afterlight cheat codes:
To enable the game console, add the following line to the game's shortcut:
For Example:
"C:Program FilesCENEGAUFO AfterlightUFO....
UFO: Aftershock cheat codes:
Start the game with the: enable_system_console=true command line parameter.
Start the game and press ['] to display the console window,
([V] in the German version, ...
UFO: Enemy Unknown cheat codes:
Start a new game, save it in slot one. Quit, and enter your save directory,
back up BASE.DAT, and then go into debug, and do the following:
E 0116...
Ugh! cheat codes:
Here are ALL the codes of this game:
One player game (69 Levels)
UK Truck Simulator cheat codes:
How to increase money:
Increase ur money... Just go to a save file in your "/UK Truck Simulator/saves"
folder and edit the file "game.sii" in a folder of save. E...
Ultim@te Race Pro cheat codes:
Grip and Acceleration:
Because your car doesn't suffer any damage in nondeathmatch modes,
you should use all of your car's armor points to increase grip and
Ultima 4: Quest Of The Avatar cheat codes:
Go in the secret dungeon entrance at lord british's castle, and
use four down spells, then use and exit spell. You will
appear next to dungeon hythlo...
Ultima 6 cheat codes:
Choose TALK TO IOLO; type SPAM (return), SPAM (return), SPAM
(return), HUMBUG (return). You'll enter in the editor.
There are 3 <alt> commands that are available in <versi...
Ultima 7 cheat codes:
To load program type:
During the game press [F2] for the control screen and [F3] for a special
map of Britannia: click where you want be telepor...
Ultima 8: Pagan cheat codes:
Cheat Edit
E 12A 01 01
This will put your current game into cheat mode. Single click on the avatar
for a basic ...