[0] - вiдновлення енергiї
[F6] - додати COOL %
[M] - можна вiльно перемiщатися, натиснiть повторно,
щоб повернути все назад
[+] - наступний рiвень
[5] - переграти або змiн...
Щоб одержати додаткове пiдвищення в 7-му Легiонi, знайдiть
файл missions.ini в папцi "DATA". Внизу опису кожної мiсiї
Ви побачите заголовок "PVSTART". Це - Вашi стартовi характе...
Почнiть нову гру, i при входi введіть код "120763-090665".
Утримуйте [Ctrl], i клацнiть на "OK". Натиснiть [Ctrl] + [0], та
оберiть "Не зберiгати гру". Вiдкрийте одну із ранiше збережених
iгор, ...
Z Ball cheat codes:
Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the
corresponding cheat function. Note: You must re-enter the code during
every level to have it available in t...
Z-out cheat codes:
Hold down 'J' and press '1' to '8' for different levels.
Press 'J'+'K' for infinite lives on/off.
Press 'J' and '1' to '3' on keypad to skip the different
stages o
Z: Steel Soldiers cheat codes:
Hex cheats:
To find what your looking for in the save games folder
of Z:SS you'll find files of the 'sz2' variety.
NOT the 'sz2.snf' file. Take this file '?????....
Z: The Game cheat codes:
Enter one of the following codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
All Items - Hold [Alt] and type psion
God mode - Hold [Ctrl] and type tetsuo
Zany Golf cheat codes:
To get to the secret level, make it to the last level (energy).
There is a mouse hole where two eyes appear occasionally.
When the eyes turn red, putt the ball into the h...
Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal cheat codes:
Modify the game shortcut and add the parameter -console.
Example: E:ZanzarahSystemzanzarah.exe -console
During the game, press [F11] to open the co...
Zapitalism Deluxe cheat codes:
Cheat Codes
To activate a cheat, enter its corresponding code at
the appropriate menu.
Effect Menu Code
Purchase a produ...
Zapitalism cheat codes:
The Quagmire Cheat
While inside the Quagmire Insurance menu, you can
press Ctrl-Q. This will randomly generate a new
price. We recommend using this cheat if the origina...
Zapper cheat codes:
How to find secret passages:
Listen to your friend's directions and follow them.
How to win the round:
Collect six eggs to win each round.
Get Flying Ability:
To unlo...
Zarch cheat codes:
Press Q + U + T + [Enter] during game play to
enable cheat mode.
Then, press one of the following keys to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Code Effect
D -...
Zardwars cheat codes:
Easy wins:
First if your a high level like 40 to 50 buy the level 40 fire weapon
then choose battle then you will damage a lot like 30 to 55.
Zed cheat codes:
Enter one of the following codes to activate
the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
All Items - Hold [Alt] and type psion
God mode - Hold [Ctrl] and type...
Zeddas: Servant Of Sheol cheat codes:
Bell Tower:
From the castle entrance, unlock the left door with the Mars key.
There are four floors to the tower. A book in the library provides
some hint...
Zax: The Alien Hunter cheat codes:
In the directory of Zax 2 files (DATA.DAT and GERMAN-TALK)
are these must in ZIP become unnamed.
Now one takes a Entpacker, e.g. the program WINACE, and unp...