Magnant cheat codes:
Start the game. Hit the [Enter] to open Message Box and enter your codes:
on screen - Reveal Map
showpath - Reveal Map
fow on - Turn on the "Fog of War"
fow off - Turn off the "Fog of War"
fastdebug - Fast debug speed
normaldebug - Normal debug speed
skipthislevelplease - Victory!
iliketoloose - Defeat!
setgodmodeplease - Toggle God Mode on/off
givemepowerplease - Give lots of Mana to your Spell casting units
whatareyoudoing - Enable All Cheats
icantwait super-fast - Sugar Harvesting
givemeresourcesnow - +12000 sugar, +5000 wood, & +5000 plancton
speedallplease - Toggle Fast Debug Speed on/off.
also gives +32000 to each of the 3 Resources
1006 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Magnant] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]