Чит-коды к игре Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne cheat codes:
Start the game with maxpayne2.exe -developer,
then press [~] to open the console.
Give one of the following commands:
clear - Clear console screen
clr - Clear console screen
coder - God mode, all weapons, health, inifinite ammo
god - God Mode
mortal - disable god mode
getallweapons - Get all weapons
quit - quit game
showfps - Show fps rate
showextendedfps - Show extended fps rate
getberetta - Get beretta with 1000 ammo
getbullettime - Put player into bullettime
getcoltcommando - Get coltcommando with 1000 ammo
getdeserteagle - Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammo
getdragunov - Get Dragunov with 1000 ammo
getgraphicsnovelpart1 - Fill in part of the story line
getgraphicsnovelpart2 - Fill in part of the story line
getgraphicsnovelpart3 - Fill in part of the story line
gethealth - Get 1000 health
getingram - Get Ingram with 1000 ammo
getkalashnikov - Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammo
getmolotov - Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammo
getmp5 - Get MP5 with 1000 ammo
getpainkillers - Get 1000 painkillers
getpumpshotgun - Get pumpshotgun with 1000 ammo
getsawedshotgun - Get sawed-off shotgun with 1000 ammo
getsniper - Get sniper gun with 1000 ammo
getstriker - Get striker gun with 1000 ammo
jump10 - Jump 10 high
jump20 - Jump 20 high
jump30 - Jump 30 high
showhud - Turn on HUD
help - Much more debug commands
Play as a naked woman:
Right-click on the shortcut to Max Payne 2.
In the Target: line, add this to the end: -developerkeys
(remember to add this outside the double quotes, and remember
to put a space before it or it will not work).
Run the game, then press page up and page down to cycle through
the game's character models. Eventually you'll end up as the
model of a fully-rendered naked woman
Developer Keys:
Add the command -developerkeys.
The command line should look like this:
"C:Program FilesMax PayneMaxPayne.exe" -developerkeys
or this:
C:Program FilesMax PayneMaxPayne.exe -developerkeys.
Now you can use these buttons for different commands:
C-Key - Choose a Cameramode. Default is chase.
Next one is free. Next is free with player control.
PageUp - Cycle Mesh Up. (you change player model)
PageDn - Cycle Mesh Down. (you change player model)
Ctrl + PgUp - Cycle TextureSet Up. (you change player texture)
Ctrl + PgDn - Cycle TextureSet Down. (you change player texture)
Home - Increase Game Speed.
End - Decrease Game Speed.
Home + End - Set Game Speed To 1.00x.
Insert - Teleport Max To Next Start Point.
Delete - Teleport Max To Previous Start Point.
F7 - Switches AI Movement Network Conn. Visualization.
F8 - Switches AI movement Network Node Visualization.
F11 - Toggle Statistics ON/OFF.
F12 - Open Console.
Left-Key - External Camera Left.
Right-key - External Camera Right.
Up-key - External Camera Forward.
Down-Key - External Camera Backward
To take screenshots do the same thing that's written in the beginning of the Cheats header, only change -
developer to -screenshots. You can have both at the same time. Now click F10 to take screenshots. Your
screenshots will be placed under the directory screenshots in your Max Payne dir (default at C:Program
FilesMax Payne).
To choose any angle you want while taking screenshots you can use Developer Keys.
554 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]