Metal Gear Solid cheat codes:
Start the game with the command-line parameter, '-cheatenable'.
Then during gameplay, press any of the following:
Key Result
F2 - God Mode
F4 - Infinite Ammo
F5 - Normal View
F6 - Observe View
F7 - Fast Level Restart
F8,F9,F11,F12 - Texturing Modes Switching
Technical Demonstration Mode:
Successfully complete the modes in this order:
"Training," "Time Trial," "Gun Shooting," and "Survival."
Infinite Ammo:
Beat the game without submitting to Ocelot when being
tortured to save Meryl. There should be a new saved game.
Load it and you will start out with a bandana.
Wear it and you will get infinite ammo.
Beat the game with submitting to Ocelot when being tortured
to get Meryl killed. There should be a new saved game.
Load it and you will start out with a sleath camouflage.
Wear it and you will get infinite ammo.
New Textures:
Successfully complete the game two times and get both the
bandana and stealth camouflage. At the third time of
playing, reach up to the area where you fight Ninja
without using the bandana or stealth camouflage.
If done correctly, Ninja will be wearing red instead
of blue. There will now be new textures for Snake and
Ninja and new bonus music during the ending
Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the game, wait until the credits
end, and save the game. Load the saved game file and
play through the game again. After successfully completing
the game a second time, wait until the credits end, and
save the game. Load the saved game and play through the
game again. Snake will change into a tuxedo in the elevator
during this game.
Alternate ending and music:
Successfully complete the game with the Tuxedo costume.
Stealth gear:
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty
level after submitting during the torture. Otacon will
give your character the stealth gear after being saved.
Allow the credits to complete, then save the game.
Load the saved game to begin with the stealth gear.
Successfully complete the game without submitting to the
torture. Your character will save Meryl and receive the
Bandana. When equipped, the bandana will allow unlimited
ammunition on any weapon.
Stealth gear and Bandana:
Use the following steps to get both the Stealth Gear and
Bandana. When you complete the game by not submitting to
the torture, you will only get the bandana. Simply submit
to the torture to get both items.
This cheat is to run Metal Gear in window mode.
Simply put "-window" at command prompt. This
works for both MGSI.exe & MGSVR.exe
796 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Metal Gear Solid] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]