Чит-коды к игре Might & Magic 2: Gates to Another World
Might & Magic 2: Gates to Another World cheat codes:
( Might & Magic 2: Gates to Another World )
This file explains how to change players in Might and
Magic Book Two. It's very simple. Use PcTools/PcShell
or Norton Utilities to do it. The file in which the
game store it's playerdata is ROSTER.DAT and every
player has exactly same number of characters in that
file. I'm writing the position for every player in
that file. Position 1 is the players first character
in the file (every players data begins with the name)
and so on. When I writes 20 for example, I mean ASCII
character number 20 in hexadecimal (which is ASCII
32, space, in decimal) and so on.
Positions Description
1-10 The name of the player. If the name is shorter than 10
characters, you must write in 20 (hexadecimal) to the end.
34 Age.
37 Armor Class (AC).
38 Food.
39 Condition. 00=Good, 01=Cursed, 02-03=Silenced, 04-FF=Poisoned
41-46 Equipping things 1-6. See note for the list of things.
59-64 Backpack things 1-6. See note for the list of things.
89 Spell points.
90 Spell points (*256).
91 Spell points left.
92 Spell points left (*256).
93 Gems.
94 Gems (*256).
95 HP.
96 HP (*256).
99 EP.
100 EP (*256).
101 EP (*65280).
102 EP (FF=30047993856).
103 Gold.
104 Gold (*256).
105 Gold (*65280).
106 Golf (FF=30047993856).
107 00=Good, 01=Neutral, 02=Evil, 03=Male, 04=Female
108 Mgt
109 Int
110 Per
111 Spd
112 Acy
113 Lck
114 Level
115 SL
116 End
117 HP left.
118 HP left (*256).
1324 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Might & Magic 2: Gates to Another World] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]