Jeff Gordon XS Racing cheat codes:
Type icancheat at the Main Menu to enable cheat mode. Type one
of the following codes at the indicated screen and press [Enter].
A voice will confirm.
At the MAIN MENU, type:
clipped No Clipping Mode
reckless Reckless Mode
At the TRACK SELECTION screen, type:
lapset Set Number of Laps
comeplay Unknown
freeride Pepsi Planet Track Available
freedrive All Tracks
At the CAR SELECTION screen, type:
takemeon Champion Motors Sponsor Selectable
widebodyopen Speed Demon Paint Job
wildoneopen Wraith Car Selectable
redfury X-Wave Car
wildone Jeff's Car (select by changing sponsor)
1097 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Jeff Gordon XS Racing] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]