Impossible Creatures cheat codes:
Press [~] while playing, then type any of the following codes:
cheat_coal(9999) - Add Coal
cheat_electricity(9999) - Add Electricity
cheat_buildings - Add Buildings
I got these cheats by looking through the Impossible Creatures files
using Find all files including "cheat." and opening those files with
a txt editor looking for anything that looks like a cheat next to that
string. This should work for other games too.
cheat_killself - Blowup all that you have
cheat_buildings - No building restrictions
cheat_rank - ??? (Likely a campaign cheat)
cheat_coal(#) - Gain # coal
cheat electricity(#) - Gain # electricity.
772 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Impossible Creatures] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]