Interactive Buddy cheat codes:
Unlimited money:
Get $400 and buy the scripting engine. Then enter the following: gx+random
and press Run once. Your cash should read NaN.NaN. Note: Do not tick run every
frame or the game will crash.
Vortex still working:
When you have the strong gravity vortex, pick up your buddy and move him to
the outside. Take your mouse outside the box of the game. When you bring your
mouse back into the box, the vortex will still be working, as if you were still
holding the mouse in.
Get a Skin:
Press [Space] [Space] [Right] [Left] [Left] [Down] [Space] [Up].
1391 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Interactive Buddy] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]