Half-Life: Counterstrike cheat codes:
Can't die cheat:
Go to the console then type:
bind p "choosteam;menuselect 6;menuselect x;menuselect 2"
where x is the team you want 1 for terrorist 2 for counter.
When play HL if you die wait until you are in oberserver
mode then press p then you will live again.
Enter the console on the server machine and enter
"sv_cheats 1". Then, change maps by typing
"changelevel dust" (or any other map). Finally,
enter one of the following codes at the console to
activate the cheat function:
Result Code
$16,000 - impulse101
Arctic sniper rifle - give spaceweapon_awp
Auto-aim with sniper rifle - sv_aim
Adjust gravity - sv_gravity [-999 - 999999]
See and fire through walls and objects,
default is 3600 - gl_zmax[0-9999]
See things brightly without flashlight - lambert -1.0001
View other players' frags - cl_hidefrags 0
Faster forward motion - cl_forwardspeed 999
Faster backwards motion - cl_backspeed 999
Faster side motion - cl_sidespeed 999
Auto-reload enabled - +reload
Auto-reload disabled - -reload
SetC4 timer - mp_c4timer [1-100]
Hyper auto-aim enabled - sv_clienttrace 9999
Hyper auto-aim disabled - sv_clienttrace 0000
Change crosshair color - adjust crosshair
Reveal how much time left on the map - timeleft
Disable the crosshair to enlarge when
shooting - crosshair [1-5]
Set freeze period at the start of
rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default
is 6 [Note] - mp_freezetime [seconds]
Set maximum length in minutes a round
can last, default is 5 [Note] - mp_roundtime [3-15]
Set minutes between map rotations,
default is 0 [Note] - mp_timelimit
Toggle friendly fire [Note] - mp_friendlyfire [0 or 1]
Toggle footsteps, default is 1 [Note] - mp_footsteps [0 or 1]
Level select - changelevel [map name]
Weapon select - give [weapon name]
Skin select - skin [skin name]
Note: For use on server machine only.
Hex cheat:
Find file "game.cfg" in "cstrike" folder then add this line:
"sv_cheats" "1"
Run half life counterstrike and type theses cheat at the console
/impulse 195 - kick sever (for all)
In assault map go to the hostage room ( Note: You need 2
people to do this) get 1 hostage or 2 to follow and ask
your friend to squat on the floor below the window on top
of you then throw a granede up the window and it will break
open jump on your teamate's head then hostage jump on top of
the window you will notice now u can swim up swim up for 3
seconds and press your left button now you will notice you
can walk in the air and headshot your enemies
Type this to see people "glow" in the dark.
"lambert -1.01"
Type this to see people's kills and deaths.
"cl_hidefrags 0"
Client Trace:
On the host computer, enter: sv_clienttrace 999999999.
Every shot will surely hit. The default is 1.
Weapon names:
Use one of the following values with the "give [weapon name]"
code to get the corresponding weapon:
Skin names:
Use one of the following values with the "skin [skin name]"
code to change to the corresponding skin.
Note: Place the skin name in quotes if they are not
activated without them.
Skin Name:
SAS sas
GSG9 gsg9
SEAL seal
Terrorist terror
Arab arab
Guerrilla guerrilla
Arctic arctic
VIP vip
Hostage hostage
Speed Upgraded:
To upgrade the speed of your movements in CounterStrike,
go to your console and type
cl_forwardspeed 999. Repeat this with
cl_sidespeed 999 and cl_backspeed 999...
This will make your movements faster than ever...
See Thru Wall:
Type gl_zmax 100
Hyper auto-aim:
First, type "sv_cheats 1" on the tilde key(~)then press enter.
Then, type "sv_clienttrace 9999" then press enter to become
hyper auto-aim. To bring it back to manual aim
type "clienttrace 0000"
Look Through Wall,Records:
Use the console first then type the following codes:
gl_zmax 0 = Look through walls like that gadget in the
latest James Bond movie.You could use an AWP and kill
the enemy through the wall which is sheilding him.
gl_zmax 3600 = To disable the cheat above.
cl_hidefrags 0 = To see other peoples records of kills
and deaths.
Choose team hold shife+I and then choose the player on ur screen.
519 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Half-Life: Counterstrike] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]