Gubble 2 cheat codes:
Type gubble2cheats at the starting menu. A sound
will confirm correct code entry. Press one of the
following keys at the indicated screen to activate
the cheat function.
Note: Enabling cheats will remove scoring for the
current level.
Effect Screen Key
Delete all blocks
and barriers Map [F3]
Level skip Standing beside coin with
level name [Page Up]
Previous level Standing beside coin with
level name [Page Down]
Advance ten levels Standing beside coin with
level name [Home]
Return ten levels Standing beside coin with
level name [End]
Toggle invincibility Game play [F8]
Complete current
level Game play [F9]
Faster game Game play [Plus]
Slower game Game play [Minus]
842 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Gubble 2] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]