Guild Wars: Nightfall cheat codes:
Hero's Ascent:
In the qualifying round of Hero's Ascent, you can order your heroes
and henchmen to attack the Zaishen without triggering the timer.
This makes it possible to always earn a 10% morale boost.
Missing heroes:
After completing the final mission you will able to pickup quests
that allow you to add any heroes you previously missed to your party.
Reducing Elementalist damage:
There is a high number of Dervish an Elementalist bosses that can easily
deal over 200 damage. Taking a monk with Protective Spirit will only cause
them to damage 10% of your maximum health.
Sixth God Statue:
Successfully complete the game. You will now have access to the sixth
God Statue in the Chantry of Secrets.
Spell interruptions:
The AI can interrupt skills and spells in a split second. If you think
you are about to be interrupted, stop the skill with [Esc] then re-cast.
This stops you from having to wait for the skill to recharge.
1066 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Guild Wars: Nightfall] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]