Fair Strike cheat codes:
Download patch 1.04 (only if your version is not 1.04).
In the game folder find file GameSettings.script.
Open this file with Notepad and find the variable "IsConsoleEnabled"
and change its value from "false" to "true".
Launch the game, switch on the console with pushing [F3] and type
the fallowing cheat-codes:
killemall - kills all the enemies
disablebeh - switches off the AI of the units
enablebeh - switches on the AI of the units
uammo true - never-ending ammunition
uammo false - limited ammunition
immortal true - makes you immortal
immortal false - makes you mortal
godmode - makes you immortal and gives you never-ending ammunition
To enable log-files launch the game with command line "fs.exe -L"
Also, you can make all the missions available:
Launch the list editor (push "Start" at the taskbar, then "Run",
then type "regedit"). Find the key "Software" in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER",
then "G5 Software", then "Fair Strike", then "Players". Then you'll
see the key with your player's name. There you'll find 4 campaigns,
each having a set of missions. Click every mission and change
its "value data" to 1.
1122 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Fair Strike] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]