Fatal Racing/Whiplash cheat codes:
For some kind of cheat, enter name as DR DEATH SUPERMAN.
Enter these codes in the names section:
~~~~ ~~~~~~
SUICYCO MAYTE For the cars
2X4B523P TINKLE LOVEBUN Other stuff
SUPERMAN invulnerable
FORMULA1 second set of cars
DR DEATH hard destruction mode
DUEL killer opponents
TOPTUNES alternate sound and music
CINEMA wide screen mode
I WON race win sequence
CUP WON makes next race the last race of the season
ROLL EM the credits
REMOVE remove all cheats
These Cheats you must type when the name is asked.
LOVEBUN Unknown Auto
MAYTE --- " ---
TINKLE --- " ---
SUICYCO --- " ---
2X4B523P --- " ---
FORMULA 1 ?????????
SUPERMAN Destruction mode
DR DEATH God Mode Machine
GOLDBOY ?????????
MREPRISE ?????????
DUEL ?????????
TOPTUNES Alternative Sounds
Enter No Name Black/White Mode
REMOVE Turn Off Cheats
TACHYONS Turbo Boost
YOTARACE Double Level
FREAKY New Colors
WARPGATE ??????????
MRFROSTY Snow Streets
MR ZOOM Speed Up
1177 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Fatal Racing/Whiplash] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]