Emperor Of The Fading Suns cheat codes:
Cheat Codes
In need of resources? Try this cheat(doesn't work if
you are the current regent)to get any resource except
food: Go to the Byzantium II screen, type in HDIRES.
A cursor will appear. Type in a number between 1 and
12, hit ENTER and type in the quantity you want (up
to 999), hit (enter). Go back to the main screen and
wherever your cursor was, there is now a cargo pod
with the corresponding resource in it!
Need a better view? When a unit is in orbit around a
planet or on the surface and has movement points left,
go to the Byzantium II screen and type in HDIMAP to see
the whole planet and all units, or HDIVIEW to see all
planet maps.
Playing Tips
When you first start a game make all of your buildings
create one engineer. Then use the engineers that you start
with (if any) and build one lab and one hospital. If you
have only one engineer build a hospital because a plague
can strike at any time and you need to be ready for it.
Once all the buildings finish building engineers use those
engineers to build labs. After you finished, count how many
spaces surround the labs and build that many more engineers.
Once all the engineers that you need are done, build any other
types of buildings around them so you can research restricted
Don't worry about the pop-up that says, "Are you sure you
want to research this item?". Just say yes. If the church
lands near labs that are researching restricted buildings
just ignore them. The buildings you surrounded your labs
with will protect you.
344 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Emperor Of The Fading Suns] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]