Duke Nukem 3D cheat codes:
Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the
corresponding cheat function.
Note: Codes may not be enabled in multi-player mode.
dncornholio Toggle God mode
dnkroz God mode and unlimited jet pack
dnstuff All weapons, maximum ammo, all keys, all items
dnitems Maximum armor, all keys, all items
dnhyper Use steroids, even if not in inventory
dnscotty Level select
(example: dnscotty309 for episode 3 level 9)
dncashman Press [Space] for money
dnview Alternate viewpoint
dnrate Display frame rate
dnskill Change skill level
dnbeta "Pirates Suck" message
dncosmo "Register Cosmo" message
dnallen "Buy Major Stryker" message
dnclip Walk through some walls
dnkeys All keys
dnweapons All weapons and ammo
dndebug Display debug information
dncoords Display coordinates
dnshowmap Display entire map
dnunlock Toggle all doors
dntodd Display message
dnmonsters Toggle monsters
dninventory All inventory
Level select values:
Use the following entries with the dnscotty code.
Information in this section was contributed by WildKid56.
Maximum health and ammunition:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup
copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit
the "user.con" file in the game folder. Find the "MAXHEALTH"
or "MAXPLAYERHEALTH" entry and change "100" to "9999".
Find the "MAXAMMOFORPISTOLS 100" entry and change it
to "MAXAMMOFORPISTOLS 500". Do the same for the other weapons in the file.
"Damn I'm Good" difficulty level God mode:
Begin a new game at the "Come Get Some" difficulty level. Enable
the God mode cheat code and begin a new game under "Damn I'm Good"
difficulty level.
Opponent viewpoint:
Begin a modem multiplayer game and enable recording on the
options screen. Press K during game play to view the game from
your opponent's view point.
Third person view of players 2 to 8 in demos:
Begin a game and hit [F7]. Press [Esc] and select "Quit To Title".
You will now see players 2 to 8 from a third person view.
Information in this section was contributed by Data.
Glitch: Floating dead:
Enable the dncornholio code and go to the cogs on level 3.
Go behind them and continuously run into them, which would normally
kill Duke. Keep doing this and you should appear above the cogs,
dead but floating and still being able to move, shoot, and fall.
Jump to return to normal again.
658 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Duke Nukem 3D] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]