Dungeons: The Dark Lord cheat codes:
Locate the config.cfg file in the next folder:
Win Vista/7:
x:Users[USERNAME]AppDataRoamingKalypso MediaDungeons - The Dark Lord
Win XP/2k:
x:Documents and Settings[USERNAME]Application Data
Kalypso MediaDungeons - The Dark Lord
and open it with Notepad.
Add the following line to the end of the file:
Development.Enabled = true
Save the file. Load the game and while playing type con!.
This will enable the cheat console which can be brought up by pressing [F1].
Type any of the following cheat codes into the console:
The following commands are CASE SENSITIVE.
ISee(1) - Reveal Map (0=off)
ShowFPS(1) - Show FPS (0=off)
Additional Cheat Commands:
Locate the file C:[GAME FOLDER]datainit.py and open it with Notepad.
Add the following lines to the end of the file:
You can then use the cheat console as outlined above to enter any of the
following cheat commands:
Note: the following commands are CASE SENSITIVE.
CG () - add 1 Million Gold
CSE () - add 1 Million Soul Energy
CP () - add 1 Million Prestige
CSP () - add 300 Skill Points
CAP () - add 1000 Attribute Points
Easy Cheat Entry:
Locate the config.cfg file in the next folder:
Win Vista/7:
x:Users[USERNAME]AppDataRoamingKalypso MediaDungeons - The Dark Lord
Win XP/2k:
x:Documents and Settings[USERNAME]Application Data
Kalypso MediaDungeons - The Dark Lord
and open it with Notepad.
Add the following line to the end of the file:
Misc.Specialversion = CHEATGUI
You may now press [F12] while playing to bring up the cheat menu which
has God Mode, Satisfy Hero, All Spells, Win, Uber-Buff,
Skill and Attribute Points, Restore HP+Mana and more.
765 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Dungeons: The Dark Lord] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]