CyberStrike 2 cheat codes:
Turn on Annie Mode, press ` then type /annie.
Then target a cyberpod and press `, then type /tview.
It's like Observe Mode, but you can see their mods.
Turn on /annie Mode, then type /remember roswell, a
UFO will appear above you. Shoot it to the ground and
aliens will fall to the ground, the aliens are wearing
Simutronics shirts.
/setsky 1-18 changes the sky. Each number is a different sky.
/easter egg, bunny, island. Easter island turns on easter egg mode.
All the codes below can only be used if /annie mode is on
/flare Removes the flares (dunno what it means though...)
/davis Message
/deploy Message
/slew Locks all you'r movement
/shield Shows shield warning also works for other HUD elements
/nuke one word: BOOOOM!!!
/sound Wierd message when targeting something
/texture Old school CSC ??
/thing Removes all objects (ravens towers etc etc)
/wire Pen and paper mode
/lighting Removes lighting effects from towers n stuff
/circles Tells the closest circle (???)
/rays Lines around objects
/destroy Destroy a target on command ( )
/mk1 (2) (3) Change pods ingame (pretty cool!)
/gopos X,X,X Warp to any position on the map (use /pos to)
/victory You win!
/loss You lose!!
/easter Message
NOTE: The above cheats are for single player only!
Multiplayer commands:
Press c and type /greg . Then press Shift + : , the map
mod bay and and everything else on the screen will go away
leaving you only to see the arena, verry usefull for taking
Type /pos to get the possition where you are in the arena at that time.
Type /tanj to get the message "David Metzener was here" in the game.
Type /insanity is a bliss to get the message "Have you seen Trent
Tobler?" in the game.
324 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре CyberStrike 2] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]