Carnivores 2 cheat codes:
Enter one of the following codes during game play to
activate the corresponding cheat function.
Result Code
Toggle fog - [Shift] + F
Flight mode - [Shift] + L
Toggle 3D objects - [Shift] + M
Duplicate hunter:
Click on the hunter to be duplicated at the login screen.
Erase the highlighted name, then type in a new hunter name.
Press [Enter] and accept the hunting waiver. If done correctly,
you will now have a new hunter with all of the points of the
hunter that was originally highlighted.
Debug Mode:
Type in "debugup" during play to get debug mode.
You will see coordinates appear in the top right
hand corner and Dinos will ignore you unless you
shoot them. Hold Ctrl key to move fast.
Keys to use while in debug mode:
Code Result
CTRL - Run Faster
SHIFT+S - Slow Motion
CTRL+N - Long Jumps
SHIFT+T - Show Frame Rate
TAB - Full Map
after initiating cheat code, "shift L" will enable you
to fly using the ctrl button
976 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Carnivores 2] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]