City of Villains cheat codes:
Gladiator badges:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding
Gladiator badge for the Arena:
Arachnobot : Awarded with the Agent of Discord badge.
Button Man Gunner : Reach level 20.
Cobra : Collect the Snake Charmer badge in Mercy Island.
Fire Thorn Caster : Reach level 30.
Juicer Sniper : Collect the Watcher On The Knoll badge in Nerva Archepelago.
Longbow Nullifier : Win one match in the Arena.
Longbow Rifleman : Collect the Locked And Loaded badge in Nerva Archepelago.
Longbow Warden 2 : Complete a player vs. player mission helping your side,
and another hindering your enemies.
Mook : Collect the Washed Up exploration badge in Port Oakes.
Mook Capo : Awarded with the Stone Cold badge.
Nebula Elite Buckshot: Reach level 10.
Night Haunt : Trap 50 ghosts in Fort Cerberus.
Red Hand : Trap 100 ghosts in Fort Cerberus
Wailer : Collect the Stone Keeper badge in St. Martial.
Supergroup badges:
Complete the indicated task in Supergroup mode to unlock the corresponding
badge. The requirements are collective and are the sum of all the efforts of
members of your Supergroup:
Analyzer Base Defense : Get damaged by 20,000,000 points.
Cap Au Diable Beacon : Collect the five exploration badges in Cap Au Diable.
Improved Igniter : Collect 100,000,000 influence outside of trading.
Mega Moniter Plans : Collect five Supergroup badges.
Mercy Island Beacon : Collect the six exploration badges in Mercy Island.
Nerva Beacon : Collect the five exploration badges in Nerva Archepelago
Port Oakes Beacon : Collect the four exploration badges in Port Oakes.
Repulsor Base Defense : Pay off 1,000,000 in debt.
SG Mission Computer : Sidekick or lackey for at least ten hours.
Sharkhead Beacon : Collect the four exploration badges in Sharkhead Isle.
St. Martial Beacon : Collect the four exploration badges in St. Martial.
1254 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре City of Villains] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]