CivNet cheat codes:
CTRL-A-O-D-B-A-M-F: enables cheat mode (don't hold the CTRL key...
just type one key after the other.).
ALLSEEINGEYE: reveals the entire map.
ARMAGEDDON: nukes all cities.
ARMYINFO: view information on the other races.
AUTOMODE: the computer moves for you.
GETRICHQUICK: gives one thousand coins.
GETSMARTQUICK: gives a civilian advance.
MISSLECRISIS: creates a nuclear missle in all cities.
MONEYANDPOWER: gives money and power.
NUKESTORMS: causes global warming.
SCALEIT: increases your production.
SETTLERHO!: creates a settlers unit in all cities.
1217 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре CivNet] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]