Cleopatra: Queen Of The Nile cheat codes:
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [C] during game play, then enter one of
the following case-sensitive codes. Repeat to disable the code.
Treasure Chest - +1,000 Deben
Hail to the Chief - Hailstorm
Jail Break - Tomb robbers in the streets
Amphibious Assault - Plague of frogs
Noble Djed - All craft shops fully stocked
Kitty Litter - Bast creates plague in city
Bounty - Better harvest
Hippo Stomp - Black hippos
Side Show - Dancing black hippos
Cat Fight - Top ranking houses are destroyed
Cat Nip - Houses filled with food
Mesektet - Kingdom rating lowered
Pharaohs Tomb - Win scenario
Sun Disk - Raise your kingdom rating
Fury of Seth - Seth destroys all ships
Crop Busters - Swarms of locusts eat crops
Crimson Tide - Life-giving river turns to blood
Mockattack1 - Land attack by enemy
Mockattack2 - Water attack by enemy
Pharaohs Glory - Export amount +50% for a year
Underworld - Farms on flood plain destroyed
Supreme Craftsman - Increased crafts/ storage yards
Ancient Astronauts - Pyramids are built quicker
Typhonian Relief - Seth makes a vow
Spirit of Typhon - Seth destroys next invaders
Crop Busters - Swarms of locusts eat crops
Crimson Tide - Life-giving river turns to blood
Mummys Revenge - Mummies appear from monuments
Mummys Curse - Next inundation worse than expected
Life from Death - Farms on flood plain
framecounter - Display frame rate
1474 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Cleopatra: Queen Of The Nile] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]