Comanche 4 cheat codes:
Press [R] during game play, then enter one of the following codes.
Note: The cheats only work offline or online in co-ops.
6969 - Enemy players to start killing each other
loadme - Load the Commanche to the load out specs
fixme - Fix damage; does not work after you have been killed
harmony - GPS Hellfire; fire and forget
imarat - Enemy cannot see you for thirty seconds
imacow - Freezes time for everyone except you and co-op friends
5000 rounds, 99 Stingers, 99 Hellfires, 99 rockets,
pigsoink - 99 artillery fire
x666 - Kill teammate
Enter one of the following pilot names.
big star - Master code
wolf blitz or that's easy - Level select
supra heli - God mode
no losers - No enemies
it's to small - Small enemies
1095 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Comanche 4] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]