Combat 1 cheat codes:
Start game, goto console (hit tilde) and type
"MLPDEV" to toggle cheatmode.
Use the following keys in-game:
SHIFT + G - Toggle God Mode
SHIFT + V - Toggle Invisibility
SHIFT + B - Toggle Enemy Brain
SHIFT + ] - Switch Tagged Enemy
SHIFT + K - Selfdestruct
TAB - Switch Game Info
Use the following cheat codes in console:
ADDLIVES [number] - Add [number] Lives
HEALTH - Restore Health
ENEMYSPAWN - Toggle Enemy Spawn
OPENSESAME - Toggle Master Key
MAP END - Goto End Sequence
MAP [mapname] - see below for list of maps
Load [mapname] - see below for list of maps
NEXT - Goto Next Level
RESTART - Restart Level
NAME - Display Current Level Name
DIR - (Show Levels In Directory)
HELP - (Show Help For Basic Cheat Commands)
Use the "MAP END" cheat in console and you will land at
the End screen, let the credits finish scrolling without
hitting Escape and after the "Game Over" screen all levels
are unlocked.
1119 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Combat 1] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]