Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn cheat codes:
Open the Baldur.ini file with notepad, look for a heading
called [Program Options]. Under this heading type:
Debug Mode=1, then save and exit. Start your game of
BG2 as normal and in game press Control+Space to
activate the console.
Console Cheats (Must be entered exactly as shown):
XP For Your Group:
CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("XP amount here") press enter
to activate. Note the XP Cap in BG2 is 2,950,000--d [CTRL] + Y
to kill the person or monster the cursor is on.
Other Cheats:
When you have Debug Mode=1 in your baldur.ini file, you
may use [CTRL] + 1 to change armor class of selected
character. [CTRL] + 6 and [CTRL] + 7 to change the model
of the selected char (prev and next, respectively).
Heal and Jump:
With Debug Mode enabled, press Ctrl + R to heal a
character, and Ctrl + J to jump to the mouse cursor
1080 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]