Big Game Hunter 2 cheat codes:
Auto Camera:
During gameplay, hold Control and Alt and then tap C for auto camera.
Auto Camera takes the veiw to the location of any location of any animal
in the area.
During gameplay, hold Control and Alt and then tap H to give
yourself full health
Targeting Aid:
During gameplay, hold Control and Alt and then tap B for boxes. The boxes
outline everything, and highlight the correct places to shoot and animal
while aiming. Red boxes means kill zone, green for probable kill, yellow
for possible kill.
Toggle Wind:
During gameplay, hold Control and Alt and then tap W
Toggle Snow:
During gameplay, hold Control and Alt and then tap S
Toggle Rain:
During gameplay, hold Control and Alt and then tap R
1262 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Big Game Hunter 2] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]