Type in the following codes during gameplay:
7+8-Kill all people
6+7-Bonus items
6+8-Bonus items and kill all people
jam, then [ENTER]-All keys and full health
Start the game with the /radar command line parameter. An overhead view
will appear. Game play will slow down noticeably when this code is enabled.
Start the game with the /tics command line parameter. Tic information will
replace the score.
Start the game with the /music command line parameter. Press [Backspace]
and the cursor keys to change the music.
MORE CHEAT CODES Start the game with the /powerball command line parameter.
Hold [Left Shift], then immediately hold [Right Shift] at the Jam logo to
enable cheat mode. Release the keys when the "PC-13" notice appears. A
sound will confirm correct code entry. Hold [Backspace] and type in
the following codes during gameplay:
A-Map monsters
B-Border color
C-Object count
E-Win mission
F-Displays coordinates
G-Toggle God mode
H-Lose 1% health
I-Free items
M-Displays memory usage
O-Map hidden objects
Q-Quit to DOS
S-Toggle slow motion
U-Unlock all floors
V-Add 0-8 extra VBLs
W-Level select
[Home]-Decrease sky color
[Page Up]-Increase sky color
[Page Down]-Increase ground color
[End]-Decrease ground color
[+]-Increase shading
[-]-Decrease shading
[[]-Increase shading drop off
[]]-Decrease shading drop off
[Shift]+[Tab]-Full Map
504 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Blake Stone 3] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]