Alien Blast cheat codes:
First double click on the left arrow, Then double click on
the right arrow, Then click the fire button, and then click
'Exit'. A message will appear and a box and a new button
with the word 'Done' written on it. Type out one of the
following code and press 'Done'
Code Effect
iamgod! - Lots of ammo, and lots of points!
ammogod - Lots of ammo
hilevel - Go to last level
points - Lots of points
slowman - Alien moves really slowly
fastman - Alien moves so quickly, you hit him every time!
yougirl - Alien turns into a girl alien
bigboss - Alien grows really big
minime - If alien big, it gets to normal size again
426 Прочтений • [Чит-коды к игре Alien Blast] [09.02.2012] [Комментариев: 0]